The Mission of DePaul Community Health Centers’ Family Medicine Residency Program is to train confident, competent family physicians committed to advancing the health of the New Orleans community and the country.
We envision the DePaul Community Health Centers Family Medicine Residency Program as the premier teaching health center program, leading the region in the cultivation of capable, family physicians who carry forward lessons learned in the delivery of superior health care that improves the quality of life and health of populations.
Hi, Welcome to the DePaul Community Health Center Family Medicine Residency Program!
Our program is based at DePaul Community Health Center, a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) in the heart of New Orleans. DePaul, in one form or another, has served the community of New Orleans for over 180 years. One of the things which sets our residency program apart is this longstanding commitment to serving the community. That is why we have designed a program to train great Family Physicians, who can use their skills to become effective leaders in the clinical setting, and in society at large.
We believe a Teaching Health Center is the best environment in which to train future Family Physicians. We embrace the ‘Clinic First’ model of Family Medicine resident education. Our network of clinics and the large variety of services we offer, all focused on delivering the highest level of primary care, offer a rich environment to learn how to best take care of people throughout their lives, and to address all elements of their care in an evidence based, patient centered holistic manner. We have partnered with modern teaching hospitals to make sure our residents also get all of the incredibly valuable experiences that can only be found working in the in-patient setting.
Our curriculum is designed to be innovative and comprehensive in a way which enables the resident to personalize elements of their training with significant portions of PGY-2 and PGY-3 devoted to what we are calling ‘white space’, or asynchronous learning. Our residents partner with their faculty advisor at the beginning of PGY-2 to design elements of the curriculum, such as on-line learning, clinical rotations and scholarly activity, in a way that allows them to explore those areas of Family Medicine most beneficial to their future plans, while still meeting all of the rigorous requirements outlined for Family Medicine resident education, and for successful board preparation.
In addition to a welcoming and supportive clinical environment, our program offers a wonderful opportunity to work, learn, and serve in America’s coolest city. We are all here because we love taking care of patients and educating students and residents at DePaul, but also because we love living in New Orleans! Our community is truly special, as are the patients we take care of. We feel pretty lucky to be doing what we are doing, in a city with such rich heritage and deep need for high quality primary care. People here are really special and life in The Big Easy reflects that!
We are very excited to bring the right people together in the right environment for the best training we can imagine in Family Medicine. Hopefully you too will get to experience this rich gumbo of opportunities as a rotating medical student, or by becoming one of our Family Medicine residents. We look forward to hearing from you!